Intelligent production line
Refrigerator shell forming lineRefrigerator side panel and U shell/ doo...MORE
Freezer shell forming lineFreezer U shell/door shell/cabinet /left...MORE
Washing machine shell forming lineWashing machine and Top loading WM drum/...MORE
Water heater outer shell forming lineWater heater outer shell forming lineMORE
Kitchen Ventilator Sheet Metal Shell Forming LineKitchen Ventilator Sheet Metal Shell For...MORE
Open-Die Forging press production lineFor decades now HDMECH has been the mark...MORE
NC radial precision forging machineRadial forging machine (the full name of...MORE
Radial-Axial Ring Rolling Machines lineFor decades now HDMECH has been one of t...MORE
Heat Treatment ManipulatorHeat Treatment Manipulator is a special ...MORE
Spare parts and maintenance service
Take the customer as the center, to meet customer demand as the foundation, to exceed customer expectations as the goal, for every customer "tailor-made".